Pumpkin IPA?
Posted by IPA on October 19, 2013
If you had to pick a fruit or vegetable or whatever it is to represent the month of October, wouldn't a pumpkin be obvious choice? Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, yeah, yeah, yeah…what about Pumpkin IPA? Well the closest match which commands the respect of India Pale Ale lovers is the Imperial Pumpkin Ale. In the spirit (pun intended) of Halloween and October and the color orange, we give a nod to the Pumpking brewed by Southern Tier in Lakewood, NY. The brew appears to be in limited supply and at least one anniversary offering has gotten a solid positive internet buzz. While their Southern Tier IPA is a year round offering, the Pumpking is king of late October. It has been brewed since 2007 with the latest containing two tyes of hops which purportedly pair well with a hearty Thanksgiving dinner so save some for November too.